Friday, October 26, 2007

Saying Good-bye!

This is very hard for me, but it's time to say good bye to an old friend of mine. Some of you might know my "friend".

Here is a little history of our friendship.

She has been there in my lows and highs. She's always nearby if I need her and very truthful. She lets me know if I need to lose a few pounds and she's honest enough to let me know if I should gain a few too. We get together for a few seconds first thing in the morning. We say hello when I wash my hands, brush my teeth and even take a pee or poop. Don't think I'm weird but my favorite visits are after I take a poop. She then tells me "good girl, you lost a pound". We meet a few time more throughout the day and sometimes I meet her for a secret rendezvous in the middle of the night. Do you know my "friend". Let me introduce you...Blogger Friends meet Ms. Health-O-Meter, my scale.

I have made the decision to put her away in a place I can not easily get to. I try to eat right, I exercise, but for some psychotic reason I have to know what I weigh all the time. How awful is that??? I meet with a personal trainer and she was over the other day. As I was confessing my obsession with the scale she looked at me and said, "instead of paying me for training I think you need to pay someone to get over your obsession".

I have been thinking about this the last few days and my biggest concern is what kind of example am I setting for my two daughters I so love and adore. I don't want them to have worry about what society thinks they should look like. I want them to be happy with themselves and their natural beauty and never look back and say "well mom did it".

For this reason and for my own sanity I'm saying "GOOD-BYE OLD FRIEND, DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON YOUR WAY OUT!"

Do you have any "friends" you need to say good-bye to?


Their Giant said...

Dude, you think I'm brave for posting my goofy 5th grade picture? Saying goodbye to that old friend- that is true bravery, sister. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Yahoo! I'm so glad for you. Enjoy your freedom from your 'friend'. You look amazing, and you are healthy from exercising, and eating right. I'm so glad you are taking that extra pressure off yourself. You don't need it.

Hmmm, any friends I need to say goodbye to? Honestly, I need to blog less. I can go a little overboard. And here I am commenting!

Angela said...

You are so funny!
Good for you!
I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!

Valerie of Momia said...

Yes. I call them my butt cheeks.

Unknown said...

Good job getting rid of the scale! You have no reason to be obsessed with how many pounds you weigh, you look great! No sneaking it out of its hiding place either!!! :)

Sharon said...

Way to go, Ona! I had to stop weighing myself all the time, too. It can definitely be obsessive. I love that you're doing it for the girls. That's a great message you're sending them! You always look fabulous~or even g-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s (your song just inspired that adjective!) and as long as you keep up your healthy habits (which I'm sure you will!) you'll have nothing to worry about!

Julie said...

Way to go, Ona! I can get that way with the scale, too ... it's hard sometimes, isn't it? There's a lot of pressure out there for us girls!

Having two girls of my own, I understand why you did it... that's awesome!

momaof4 said...

I have read that you shouldn't have one in the house anyway. You should judge by your clothes and such??
Good Job!

HappyMomma2 said...

Great job Ona. I am going to say good-bye to a few things as well. I am proud of you for taking about this subject-its one that many of us do not like to talk about!

Lion Heart said...

yay! bye bye scale! So sweet that your remembering those two little ladies that look up to you!

LizzyG said...

So, how's it going? Are you dying to know what you weigh right now? I think it's great your breaking your habit for your daughters.

As for me, I knew I had issues when I realized I was sucking it in when I stood on the scale, and I always have to take my wedding ring off and rubberband out of my hair. And sometimes I wonder how much I would weigh if I cut all my hair off. Yea, I got scale issues too!

I'm proud of you for putting it away!

Ona said...

I have to confess to thinking about cheating. I was at a friends house last night. I went to the bathroom and there it was... a scale looking right at me. I almost did, but didn't!