I can't believe this month is almost over.
Just a few more weeks and Jasmynn will be out of school and summer is just around the corner...woo-hoo!!!
We've been so busy, but, having fun!
Here's a picture of Jasmynns first grade program. All the kids did a great job and had a blast.

T-ball takes up the majority of our time. I'm so proud of her. She's really coming out of her shell. She's trying new things and enjoying it. Well...most of the time. It's a real hassle to get the girl in her uniform.
And this particular day was very hot and the kids had the option to take their undershirt off. Her pants are a bit hiked up. Okay, okay a lot hiked up:)

I don't know how you moms do this with more than one child in sports. Thumbs up to all you moms!!!
Kaia just loves mimicking her older sister with the microphone and High School Musical soundtrack blasting. With Jas being gone for a couple days with grandpa, Kaia finally got a chance to sing her solo.
And after a busy week with the girls, I just can't wait to cuddle on the couch with this hunk!