Friday, November 16, 2007


Not a big deal to most people but I'm so excited for this. I'm so there with you Liz. I agree after 10 years of marriage an "anniversary shower" is due. My 10 year anniversary was almost 3 years ago this December and we were in desperate need of a toaster. It's a bit embarrassing to show what my toaster looked like...but here it is.

And here is my new one...still not that fancy, but sure beats the old one.

How fun would it be to register for an "anniversary shower". I would go nuts now that I'm older and know what I would actually need and use.

What sort of things would you put on your "registry" if you could do it all over again?


Julie said...

Hmmm... there are so many things I'd love to get! But I think new towels would have to top the list!

I just got new dishes this past May. They are much nicer than the blue and mauve ones I got for a wedding gift!!!

momaof4 said...

New towels.
But something we got and didn't ask for and now can't live without is an electric skillet that sits on the counter...
Oh, and we need a new one of those too!!!

Anonymous said...

Towels...most definitely...but hey, we got towels as a wedding present!

A toaster oven...but hey, my mom told me the other day she was going to give me hers when she bought a new one to match her black appliances.

Hmmm...I would have to say NEW DISHES!!! We are still using Ben's black dishes that he used as a bachelor WAY before I ever met him!

Yep, dishes would have to be on my 'Anniversary Registy.'

Their Giant said...

Can I have new kitchen floors, pretty please? I think it's genius when people register at Home Depot for stuff to fix the house- new husbands are so much more motivated than these old ones :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, I'd register at Home Depot too.

Alida said...

Love that new toaster. I'm so hard on my toasters. I've had three in nine years!

Hmm, I would ask for one of those mixers. You know that fancy one that are over $200.00, with all the gadgets so I can make yummy cakes and my own pasta and grind my own burgers.

Yep! That what I would ask for.

Glory Laine said...

Towels and Dishes. Mine are soooo bad.

Angela said...

Well lets see I am thinking I would want all new red kitchen aid items. And yes the toaster is fabulous!!!

Unknown said...

I love the new toaster!!

I would have to say Towels would top my list too. We've only been married two years now, but the towels we received as a wedding gift are wearing out quickly!

Hosmerita said...

I would put dishes on my registry. I don't like mine ooh yeah and towels.
I got my kitchenaid mixer for my wedding and that was it.
That is what I will post about today!
My wedding...

Hosmerita said...

I changed my mind.
On my ten year wedding anniversary registry I would like to register for the following:
Boob Job
Tummy tuck
Removal of vericose veins
Personal Trainer
And a live in nanny (an ugly old one at that!)

Sharon said...

I would put new everyday silverware on my registry. Half of mine are either bent or missing and I'm tired of the pattern, but I never want to spend the money on new ones since we can technically still use them.

Congrats on the new toaster! Don't you just love shiny new things?!